Privacy Policy

Saving Crafters is committed to providing you with access to the latest coupons and deals from around the globe. You don't need to provide any personal information to take advantage of these offers—simply click on a deal that interests you, and you'll be directed to the retailer's website. Saving Crafters regularly updates coupons from leading brands across the U.S. to ensure you can maximize your savings. Our mission is to keep you informed about fantastic discounts and offers, and we also provide daily specials that are easily accessible on our site. Please be aware that we only redirect you to external websites, and Saving Crafters is not responsible for any inaccuracies or misuse of information on those sites. Subscribers to our newsletter will receive exclusive offers.


We may gather personal information such as your email address, location, and deal preferences to send you personalized daily newsletters. You have the option to unsubscribe from these emails at any time. We do not sell or share your information with third parties; it is used exclusively to deliver relevant deals directly to your inbox. We keep contact details for users and partners to facilitate effective communication and keep you informed about new deals. Notifications may be sent via email, phone, social media, or other channels to personalize your experience and present the most relevant deals based on your interests.


We collect personal information when you register, subscribe to newsletters, or create an account to access or promote deals. This information may also be gathered when you visit the Saving Crafters website, interact with our blog, leave comments, or contact us for business inquiries. We ensure that your information is not used for unsolicited messages. Additionally, data is collected through cookies and cache when you navigate our site or use our apps. By using our apps, you consent to this privacy policy and the use of your data for service delivery.


Saving Crafters employs cookies and web server logs to gain insights into user interactions with our site. Cookies store information that customizes your browsing experience. You can disable cookies in your browser if you prefer. Cookies and logs may track the time you spend on our site, pages viewed, and websites visited before and after ours. This data is collected in aggregate form and does not include any personal information.

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Saving Crafter collects & utilizes cookies from third-parties & affiliate networks to improve user experience. We may earn a commission if you buy through our links. Read More